Welding & Welder/Welding operator Qualification and Certification Services in KSA
Welding is a manufacturing process that joins two or more materials by application of heat or with pressure, with or without filler metals. Just joining the two members is not enough to with stands the loads for longer time. Hence it is necessary to prove that a welding procedure meets the quality standards and also to ensure the welder is capable of producing defect fee welds.
“Welding procedure specification” (WPS)
It is a document that describes how welding is to be carried out in production. Its purpose is to aid the planning and quality control of the welding operation. They are recommended for all welding operations and most application codes and standards make them mandatory.
“Prequalified WPS” (PWPS)
According to AWS D1.1 whereby it is established that the WPS written per code will produce welds with correct mechanical and metallurgical properties. It is not necessary to prepare a PQR in such cases. However, the pre-qualified WPS have a specified range of parameters under which the weld must be produced. When welding variables fall outside these ranges, a WPS with supporting PQR must be prepared.
“Procedure qualification record” (PQR)
It is required when it is necessary to demonstrate that your company has the ability to produce welds possessing the correct mechanical and metallurgical properties.
“Welder qualification test” (WQT)
Once the procedure is approved it is necessary to demonstrate that all your welders working to it have the required knowledge and skill to put down a clean sound weld. If the welder has satisfactorily completed the procedure test, then he is automatically approved but each additional welder must be approved by completing an approval test to an appropriate standard. After successfully completion of Test Asquare will provide Welder qualification test certificate(WQT) & Welder Card.
Asquare is well equipped with experienced and certified welding inspectors, welding engineers and welding experts to perform various welding related inspections activities. The team consists of AWS-CWI, CSWIP, internationally certified welding inspectors having vast field experience in welding with leading fabrication companies and third party inspection companies in KSA and abroad.
Producing a welding procedure involves:
- Planning the tasks
- Collecting the data
- Writing a procedure for use of for trial
- Making a test welds
- Evaluating the results
- Approving the procedure
- Preparing the documentation
After the testing is completed and all the relevant results collated, the results need to be assessed in accordance with the relevant code/standard. The results are then generally recorded in following documents:
PWPS: Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
Before procedure approval.
WPS: Welding Procedure Specification
After procedure approval
WPQR: Welding Procedure Qualification Record
Welding procedure test record
WQT: Welder Qualification Test
Welder qualification test record
Aim of a welding procedure test
- To give maximum confidence that the welds mechanical and metallurgical properties meet the requirements of the applicable code/specification.
- Each welding procedure will show a range to which the procedure is approved (extent of approval)
- If a customer queries the approval evidence can be supplied to prove its validity
- If a customer queries the approval evidence can be supplied to prove its validity
“Asquare” welding inspectors are utilized to perform the following activities related to welding quality
- Preparing Welding Procedure specifications(WPS) as per codes and standards
- Witnessing, third party inspection of welder qualifications tests
- Preparing WPS, PQR, WQT
- Analysis of Mechanical and metallurgical tests
- Carrying out Radiography (Gamma r-ray) Ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant inspection, visual inspection and other NDT inspection tests
- Training of welders on various welding processes
- Conducting AWS-CWI and other welding inspector certification(CSWIP) exam preparatory courses.
Some important standards and codes related to Welding procedure qualification tests are
- ASME Sec IX (Boiler and pressure vessel code)
- 2. AWS D1.1(Structural Welding of steels)