

Seamless pipes are made of metal alloys that have carbon and iron as the basic composition. Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes have a greater carrying capacity than pipes of other materials with the same diameter. Carbon steel pipes are cheaper than copper pipes and the unmatched strength of steel piping increases longevity and reduces the need for replacement and repairs. Its versatility also makes it cost-effective.

Carbon Steel contains steel with carbon content up to 2.1% by weight. As the carbon percentage content rises, steel has the ability to become harder and stronger through heat treating; however, it becomes less ductile. Regardless of the heat treatment, a higher carbon content reduces weldability. In carbon steels, the higher carbon content lowers the melting point. Carbon steel pipe Is most commonly used in critical engineering applications. It may also be used in automotive applications or structural applications as well. Carbon steel piping is important in applications from oil and gas to control lines or electrical lines.

Welded carbon steel piping is formed from an originally flat piece of carbon steel. The piece of carbon steel is rolled and welded creating a welded seam going long ways down your piece of carbon steel tubing or piping. The weld is formed by using a high energy source to melt the local metal together. Thus creating a weld bead when squeezed together. You will notices where the welded seam is the weld bead. This will be raised compared to the rest of the carbon steel pipe. You will find that some seams are manipulated to become more flush with the piping, while others are sold “as-weld” meaning they are left how they are welded with no further processing to the carbon steel. Seamless pipes are used for small and medium sizes requirement and the welded pipes are used for larger diameter requirements.

Stainless steels are notable for their corrosion resistance, which increases with increasing chromium content. Stainless steel’s resistance to corrosion and staining, low maintenance, and familiar luster make it an ideal material for many applications where both the strength of steel and corrosion resistance are required. Stainless steel pipe and carbon steel pipe are the most common type of standard pipe used today. Two most common types of pipes are welded pipe and seamless pipe. Both are available in carbon steel and stainless steel.

Alloy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0% and 50% by weight to improve its mechanical properties.

Duplex Stainless steels are characterized by high chromium (19–32%) and molybdenum (up to 5%) and lower nickel contents. The properties of duplex stainless steels are achieved with an overall lower alloy content than similar-performing super-austenitic grades, making their use cost-effective for many applications.

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